Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Birthday

The babies turned ONE on January 19th.  Wow. ONE!!!  I am still getting used to the idea that all three of them are here and all belong to us... let alone the fact that I now have three one year olds. 
Here are a bunch of pics from their birthday and their party (which we had on the 21st).  Enjoy... they had so much fun!

Griffin and I made birthday pancakes...

And Griffin thought they should have candles to blow out (which he would dutifully blow out on their behalf haha)  Here's Sunny mad that she can't touch the candle... 

All Fletcher cares about is getting the pancake into his bowl!

Gibby girl... lovin it all!

And one for Griffin too... we sang happy birthday to each kid separately and then he insisted on singing it to me too.  Such a sweetie - no one is ever left out!

  A girl's gotta wear a fancy tutu on her birthday!

 haha - tutu bum! love it!

Aren't I pretty mommy?

Then I setup a little photo session and tried real hard for about 10 minutes to get some decent shots of them in the little skirts and tie I had made them. Of course, nothing of them all looking at the camera and smiling - but they still turned out cute!

The party table!

Fletcher after his nap... pretty exciting to wake up to a party in your honour!

The birthday kids!

The girls were feeling pretty special all dressed up and getting their pictures taken :)

Cake time!  They had all eaten so much beef for supper that they could barely eat any of the little cakes I made them... oh well, I'm sure they're healthier for it!

Sunny digging in...

Fletcher wishing he had more room in his belly to dive into it...

Gibsyn surprised me and ate the most cake... she quietly piled it into her mouth

Griff with a cupcake and blue teeth

Auntie Natalie desparately trying to open their new train from Auntie Krista... all the babies were swarming her!  Its been a very popular toy!

Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with us!  What an adventure this first year has been...I sometimes feel emotional that we are done having little babies around.  But then I watch them play and learn new things and  I'm just so excited to see what this next stage has in store for us.  Well, part excited and part scared.  It has to get easier, right?  Maybe easy is not a word I should ever use... it has to keep getting funner.. ahem, "more fun", right?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In Loving Memory of Papa Cam

Today Troy attended his grandpa's funeral in Springbank (I regrettably had to stay home with the kids who are all trying to kick the roto-virus).  A few days before Christmas we made a wise decision to go and visit him at his home in Cochrane with all the kiddos.  It was a very busy trip (we went up and back in one day!), but in hindsight, we are so very glad we did it.  Right before we left, I quickly snapped a picture of Cam with all of the kids...

At the dinner table with my family Griffin announced: "I have some very sad news.... Papa Cam died. Now he's in doggie heaven with Elroy."  I'm not sure why he went to doggie heaven, but I'm sure old Elroy would love to have him ;)

We will miss you very much Cam!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Who's Your Favourite?

The other day I asked Griffin who his favourite brother or sister was (I know that is probably an inappropriate question and some parents out there are shaking their fingers at me, but I was curious to know!).  His response: "Ummm... Gibsyn and Sunny and Fletcher."  So there you go, no need for a "you-should-love-them-all-equally" lecture!  I am so glad the babies have him to look up to... he is one fine role model!

Here's a picture of my little (big) family having morning cuddles.  We may need a bigger chair soon ;)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


You know the feeling, right?  When those magical couple days of Christmas which you spent weeks anticipating and preparing for are suddenly over??  I've been feeling kinda blue lately... we've been stuck inside a lot because of all the crazy wind around here, the babies have decided to change their sleeping patterns into all different kinds of unpredictable nonsense, and well, I'm not allowed to play the Yuletide Fireplace channel on my TV anymore :(

I've decided it's time to stop moping, and look forward to a brand new year.  So I started by going through all the pictures I took over the holidays and it's hard not to feel a bit better after seeing all these cute lil' faces!  I took A LOT of them - Troy got me a new camera for my birthday so I've been experimenting... there aren't a lot of GOOD ones, but I thought I'd share a few.  

Sunny being goofy - she was trying to put all my underwear on her head (don't worry, this is a bag full of CLEAN laundry! And I have no idea where she got this idea from!)

Haha - this one just cracks me up of her:

Sunny and Fletcher eating some crackers at the table:

Fletcher eating.... and eating... and eating!

Gibby in the hat her Auntie Tara made her... she was very proud to be wearing it!

Griffin in his new goalie attire... just like daddy!
Griffin and Gibs having a tea party with her new tea set... he might not appreciate this photo one day, but I just think he's the best big brother around!

ALL of our stockings!  The next house we buy must have a fireplace... wouldn't they look great on a fireplace??! My mom made all of these!

I can hardly wait for next year :)