We were piddling around the backyard and all of a sudden Griffin comes running towards me exclaiming, "mommy, I found our very first dandelion!!". I will never get tired of receiving weeds as flowers from my kids... hehehe... warms my heart. Here are some pics of Griff and his find:
hahaha... say wha?
And obviously my photography skills could use some improvement... one kid has a bucket on his head and none of the other ones are looking my way. But atleast I remembered to get the camera out and snap a picture of this fun-in-the-sun day!
And this is Fletcher after his nap today. He was the first one up. I wish I could've captured all of his stinky-lil-boy essence in this shot. His shirt is stained with watermelon, his pants are missing, his red hair is all crumpled up on one side, there is sand stuck in the folds of his neck, dirt around his mouth, he's all sweaty, and he's showing off his big buddha belly. And I could just eat him up... hehehe... what a stinky little ball of love.