I took Griffin to his first day of kindergarten today. And let me say I have privately shed many tears anticipating this day. I'm sure all moms know the feeling. That definitive end to toddlerhood. And I feel a little jipped that his last couple years as a little guy have gone super duper fast since I've been so busy with his sisters and brother. So I'm taking the day to wallow a bit... and to reflect on what an amazing little person my very first baby is....
From the minute I laid eyes on him (February 15, 2008)....
I knew this was a love like no other....
He had to be the happiest baby I have ever met...
He sure knew how to be cute....
Such a little man...
Before I knew it, he was "big" and I was expecting a lot of new "littles"!
Never once has he complained about being the big brother of 3! In fact at breakfast this morning he suggested we have "just one more baby"...
First day of preschool 2011... and I remember seriously considering withdrawing him cause I was so not ready to have him go!
First day of preschool 2012
And wow how he's grown! That's my handsome first baby there... who went to school like a champ... and who's mommy sat out front for 20 minutes trying to compose herself and accept this new chapter. Man how I love you Griff!