Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ho Ho Ho

Pretty impressive that not one child was afraid of Mr. & Mrs. Claus!  In fact, Gibsyn thought Santa was pretty funny.

They were so happy to be out and about that we spent a couple hours in the mall.  The water fountain was a big hit!  I can't get over little girls with tights and fancy shoes... they're the cutest cankles I ever saw - teehee!

Griff got a little carried away with the fountain... haha... I hope the older gentlemen in the background don't mind being apart of my blog!

I LOVE Christmas time... I have carols playing all day long, hot chocolate has become a staple, and I've let some things slide in order to make time to do some christmas crafting during nap-time/bed-time.  It's busy around here, but so warm and cheery!  And that is my excuse/explanation for the lack of blog posts ;)

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