Today we were multitasking. The little guys made a mess of their hands and faces colouring with markers so we washed babies and dishes at the same time.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Laundry is Fun :P
The other morning Troy and I heard the girls giggling like crazy. We went to see what was so funny and found Gibby had climbed into the washing machine and was rocking the barrel back and forth - having a great little ride. My sisters and I used to take turns filling our mom's dryer with pillows and going for rides... probably not something mom would appreciate, but it was great fun back then! Gibby's antics brought me back... but we do keep the door to the washer shut now ;)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
You Guessed It - More Christmas Fun!
We started a tradition last year of opening up a Christmas book every night in December. Sort of an advent calendar deal. I borrow the books from our library and wrap them all up. That way they get new books each year and it costs me nothing but the left-over wrapping paper from last year!
Griffin had his preschool Christmas concert last night. I don't know what it is about watching a bunch of 3-5 year olds sing jingle bells, but I get a lump in my throat every time! I was so proud of my Griff - singing his little heart out up there. And the babies seemed to enjoy it too. It may have been the first outing that I felt was actually somewhat under control. I wasn't sweating by the end anyway. Hmmmm... dare I say, maybe things are getting slightly easier?? No, no, I better not!
Here's a shot of everyone all dressed up and ready to go!
And because I didn't realize Fletcher's giant head was blocking Griff, here's a shot of my handsome little preschooler.
Fletcher tends to be shy in large crowds, but it was all worth it when he realized there were cookies after!
Sunny - my little miss independent. Marched right up to Santa and was going to climb into his lap when I caught her cutting in front of a 50-kid-line-up!
I don't know why I don't have a shot of gibby on the camera! She stood right beside me through the whole concert and bobbed her head along. She loved all the kids and music.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Bring on the Holidays!
Finished up some holiday decorating this weekend, bought a truckload of firewood, and even pulled out the Christmas socks. We are so pumped for the holiday season!
I LOVE how neat and tidy Troy is with the Christmas lights. And I am loving our new house!
Kids decorating (and undecorating) the tree
Griffin attempting the star
Sunny thought she could do better with the aid of a chair
Gibby is in love with the Christmas tree decorations. She likes to take them off and carry around a little collection.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Christmas is coming!
With our recent snowfall I'm really getting in the mood for Christmas! We just finished doing our outdoor lights and I can't wait for it to get dark so we can see them! I took a couple shots of the kids last night while we were laying out the lights. Every time they see lights they all say "Whoa!! Wow!!". It's so so cute. I can hardly wait for Christmas.
"Show me your cute face"
In the spirit of Christmas, I wanted to share a couple raffle draws with you that a friend of mine has organized. I had donated some handmade headbands to the gift basket she is raffling off and I thought I should share her story in case any of you were interested in tickets. In September, her cousin passed away very suddenly.She left behind an 11 month old daughter, Preston, who just a few months earlier was discovered to be completely deaf and in need of cochlear implants. All proceeds from the draws will go towards helping Preston hear. You can send an email money transfer to and she can email you back your ticket numbers, or you can buy them at Child's Play & Latte here in town. OR, if you're more comfortable, contact me and I can arrange to get tickets on your behalf.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Choo Choo!
I bought these "Hold on Handles" for the babies thinking it'd help me get them in and out of the car with a bit more control... however, holding onto the handle is optional I guess, so of course it doesn't offer me much more control. I have always disliked the harness/leash things some people put on their toddlers... although now I am beginning to understand the appeal. Oh well, the handles make for a great game of choo choo train... and I am sure I can make them hold onto them eventually... like maybe by age 8 ;)
On another note, I had my blood donor appointment last week and was very disappointed to find out I didn't quite meet donor stature requirements. I'm hoping maybe I can inspire others to donate though... it's actually a very easy thing to do! Visit, create an online account, and from there you can view all the upcoming clinics in your city and book your appointment on the spot. So simple!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Halloween 2012
I realize some of these costumes may look familiar.... the babies wore their same costumes from last year because a) they still fit and b) I had a nasty flu last year and didn't get to enjoy how adorable they were in them! They were even sweeter this year since they can walk now. We took them to a nursing home to entertain the residents there and then to the mall for some trick or treating... they were very popular little animals!
And Griffin was a ninja this year... and I know he felt like he was super tough and awesome... but I thought he was sooooo cute in his little costume (of course I tried to play it cool though). He's lucky his costume was still in decent condition actually. He had been wearing it almost daily since we bought it! He ended up with a short flu a couple days after Halloween so I took the opportunity to make a deal with him to trade his candy (which obviously made him sick... bwahaha) for a new ninjago character. He thought it was a great idea and we are both happy with this arrangement. In fact, he wanted me to find some more candy for him that he could trade in for another ninjago.
Here's a pic of them from last year.... they're so little and chubby!!
And Griffin was a ninja this year... and I know he felt like he was super tough and awesome... but I thought he was sooooo cute in his little costume (of course I tried to play it cool though). He's lucky his costume was still in decent condition actually. He had been wearing it almost daily since we bought it! He ended up with a short flu a couple days after Halloween so I took the opportunity to make a deal with him to trade his candy (which obviously made him sick... bwahaha) for a new ninjago character. He thought it was a great idea and we are both happy with this arrangement. In fact, he wanted me to find some more candy for him that he could trade in for another ninjago.
Auntie brought them some halloween goodies first thing in the morning... so they basically had chips for breakfast. ugh!
Cute little piggy!
Here's a pic of them from last year.... they're so little and chubby!!
And this year! Fletcher and Sunny swapped costumes this year since the duck seemed a bit too feminine for Fletcher this time round.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
All Bundled Up and Ready for Halloween
The snow seems to be sticking around here for a while so I guess we better start embracing it. Seeing these little guys all bundled up with pom-poms on their heads makes the snow somewhat tolerable I think!
Today we decided to get our pumpkins all ready for Halloween. The kids helped scoop out the guts and then we had them do some painting while mommy did some carving.
... .and the finished pumpkins!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Good for Bad
So I've been having trouble with this post and I've been contemplating what to write. You see, my Uncle Terry passed away on October 15th. I really, really struggle to comprehend death. I suppose no one is really good at it.
I am happily naive by choice... I avoid the news and if someone is sick I believe in miracles and tell myself they will be fine and then I push all those thoughts way way way into the back of my mind. And this works just fine until a miracle doesn't happen... and someone dies. My uncle fought bravely for over a decade and eventually had to give in to what seems to be the most cruel and unrelenting disease out there. CANCER. I didn't know him extremely well, but what I did know was that he was a kind, good man. You know, one of those people who are just warm and easy to be around. They feel like family even if you don't get together a lot. I can't even imagine what it must have been like for his family to watch him deteriorate. I know it was tough for my mom... and when she talked about it all I wanted to do was plug my ears and say "la la la la la". Anyways... I've been thinking about how I can deal with this stuff. And I happened to be reading a magazine that contained an article about a lady who was afraid of turning 40 so to deal with it she made a list of 40 charitable things she wanted to do in the year before she was 40. And I really like this idea as a coping method.
No, I'm not turning 40! That is also something that I have pushed way way way into the back of my mind! But maybe if whenever I hear about something terrible, I can do something good. Then someone else's suffering wouldn't be completely in vain. Then instead of feeling helpless I would have a small purpose.
Now I'm not getting all crazy here. The fact is, we have a family of 6, one income, and a very tight budget. Time is also at a premium. And I want to set attainable goals. So don't judge me if my good deeds seem small and almost insignificant. You gotta start somewhere and I'm going to use my blog to help hold me accountable. Now a part of me is saying, "you shouldn't need something bad to happen in order to do something good." And that is very true... but instead of feeling guilty about that I'm just gonna stick to my damn plan.
So... in honour of my Uncle Terry, I have booked an appointment for the beginning of November to donate blood. I have always meant to do this and now I am finally going to get it done and hopefully be able to do it regularly. When I had Griffin, I found out I'm a universal donor (O- blood type). I know this doesn't come anywhere close to embodying my uncle's life... but its something.
Now I need to brain storm some more little "goods". Any ideas??
And because I can't do a post without sharing a photo, here's a cute shot of Sunny to lighten things up a bit. I caught her sitting in this little chair, rubbing her baby's back, all peaceful like.
I am happily naive by choice... I avoid the news and if someone is sick I believe in miracles and tell myself they will be fine and then I push all those thoughts way way way into the back of my mind. And this works just fine until a miracle doesn't happen... and someone dies. My uncle fought bravely for over a decade and eventually had to give in to what seems to be the most cruel and unrelenting disease out there. CANCER. I didn't know him extremely well, but what I did know was that he was a kind, good man. You know, one of those people who are just warm and easy to be around. They feel like family even if you don't get together a lot. I can't even imagine what it must have been like for his family to watch him deteriorate. I know it was tough for my mom... and when she talked about it all I wanted to do was plug my ears and say "la la la la la". Anyways... I've been thinking about how I can deal with this stuff. And I happened to be reading a magazine that contained an article about a lady who was afraid of turning 40 so to deal with it she made a list of 40 charitable things she wanted to do in the year before she was 40. And I really like this idea as a coping method.
No, I'm not turning 40! That is also something that I have pushed way way way into the back of my mind! But maybe if whenever I hear about something terrible, I can do something good. Then someone else's suffering wouldn't be completely in vain. Then instead of feeling helpless I would have a small purpose.
Now I'm not getting all crazy here. The fact is, we have a family of 6, one income, and a very tight budget. Time is also at a premium. And I want to set attainable goals. So don't judge me if my good deeds seem small and almost insignificant. You gotta start somewhere and I'm going to use my blog to help hold me accountable. Now a part of me is saying, "you shouldn't need something bad to happen in order to do something good." And that is very true... but instead of feeling guilty about that I'm just gonna stick to my damn plan.
So... in honour of my Uncle Terry, I have booked an appointment for the beginning of November to donate blood. I have always meant to do this and now I am finally going to get it done and hopefully be able to do it regularly. When I had Griffin, I found out I'm a universal donor (O- blood type). I know this doesn't come anywhere close to embodying my uncle's life... but its something.
Now I need to brain storm some more little "goods". Any ideas??
And because I can't do a post without sharing a photo, here's a cute shot of Sunny to lighten things up a bit. I caught her sitting in this little chair, rubbing her baby's back, all peaceful like.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Wrist Shot
I have some photos to share that really make it feel like winter is on its way. We had a brief snowfall that was gone as quick as it came. Griff started hockey this past weekend (his very first year!). And Fletcher fractured his wrist. Perhaps not winter related, but something that needed to be shared. Don't worry, he has no idea he even has a cast on... you'd think he would since it smells pretty bad already. At some point last weekend he was running (the kid never walks) and fell onto his hands. This happens several times a day so please don't judge me when I tell you I have no idea when exactly he broke his wrist. Just know that it was his own bodyweight that did it (no terrible falling at the playground or down the stairs incidents!).

I can't tell you how proud I am of this little guy! Doesn't he look like a pro?!

Giant snowflakes!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Mmmmm.... snack time
I just checked my camera and I don't have any new pics of the kids and since they are currently napping, I'm going to take this opportunity to share my new favourite snack!
In the summer, I went to my friends' kids' birthday party and they served "apple nachos". I couldn't remember what all they had put on them, so I came up with this little concoction that I am now completely addicted to! Try it... its full of nutrition but is such a treat! And it's quick n' easy.
Put a scoop of peanut butter and a few dark chocolate chips in a small bowl....

... heat the peanut butter and chocolate chips in the microwave for 25-30 seconds. Stir until the chocolate chips are all melted. Drizzle over sliced apples. Top with granola, nuts, seeds, coconut, etc. I top mine with this homemade granola recipe (it's so yummy!), but you could use whatever you like:

In the summer, I went to my friends' kids' birthday party and they served "apple nachos". I couldn't remember what all they had put on them, so I came up with this little concoction that I am now completely addicted to! Try it... its full of nutrition but is such a treat! And it's quick n' easy.
Put a scoop of peanut butter and a few dark chocolate chips in a small bowl....
... heat the peanut butter and chocolate chips in the microwave for 25-30 seconds. Stir until the chocolate chips are all melted. Drizzle over sliced apples. Top with granola, nuts, seeds, coconut, etc. I top mine with this homemade granola recipe (it's so yummy!), but you could use whatever you like:
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The kids fight A LOT. That's probably our biggest challenge at the moment. Teaching three one year olds (and their older brother) that you have to share every day, everything! And when you don't get your way, you can't bite/push/hit/slap/body slam each other. It seems like someone is always screaming or crying because of one another. So it was nice to catch some displays of affection today... it's a dreary day here so the lighting wasn't great - photos turned out a bit fuzzy!
Sunny trying to get a kiss from Fletcher... I think its funny that she automatically kisses with her eyes closed!
Sunny trying to get a kiss from Fletcher... I think its funny that she automatically kisses with her eyes closed!
The girls couldn't keep a straight face long enough to complete a kiss!
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