Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You Guessed It - More Christmas Fun!

We started a tradition last year of opening up a Christmas book every night in December.  Sort of an advent calendar deal.  I borrow the books from our library and wrap them all up.  That way they get new books each year and it costs me nothing but the left-over wrapping paper from last year! 

Griffin had his preschool Christmas concert last night. I don't know what it is about watching a bunch of 3-5 year olds sing jingle bells, but I get a lump in my throat every time! I was so proud of my Griff - singing his little heart out up there.  And the babies seemed to enjoy it too. It may have been the first outing that I felt was actually somewhat under control. I wasn't sweating by the end anyway. Hmmmm... dare I say, maybe things are getting slightly easier??  No, no, I better not!

Here's a shot of everyone all dressed up and ready to go!

And because I didn't realize Fletcher's giant head was blocking Griff, here's a shot of my handsome little preschooler.

Fletcher tends to be shy in large crowds, but it was all worth it when he realized there were cookies after!

Sunny - my little miss independent.  Marched right up to Santa and was going to climb into his lap when I caught her cutting in front of a 50-kid-line-up!

I don't know why I don't have a shot of gibby on the camera! She stood right beside me through the whole concert and bobbed her head along.  She loved all the kids and music.

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