All the kids started soccer today at our local YMCA. I can't believe they let two year olds play an organized sport... well atleast try to play. I don't have any pics from the actual practice cause I spent most of it trying to help corral all the kids but I did get a few of them "warming up" before it started. So so cute!
Before we got hit with a giant snowstorm yesterday and today, it was so spring-like and beautiful outside! The kids spent some time playing in our court. The boys in a mud puddle...
... and the girls in the convertible. Oh dear... couple of divas we have on our hands. Sunny took driving very seriously and Gibby was happy to be passenger.
The battery started dying out a bit, so like a true gentleman, Fletcher gave them a little (actually a pretty big) push!
Typical "women drivers"... hahaha... maybe an insult to my own kind, but this photo makes the comment hard to resist.
These might be my favourite pictures of the rugrats yet!! The one of Fletcher pushing is priceless! ha ha!