Today my mom took me to my very last ultrasound! And according to the ultrasound tech, it's a good thing it was our last one because the babies are getting very crowded in my belly and it's getting pretty tough to see what's what anymore. Baby A is the most crammed and has her head way down in my pelvis... she was tough to get accurate measurements on, but she's estimated to be around 5lbs 15oz now. Baby B (our big boy) is estimated to be 6lbs 3oz and baby C is estimated at 5lbs 7oz. They say these weights can be out either way by 1/2 a pound or so... it'll be interesting to see what their actual weights are! I just can't get over how big they are. Griffin was born at 38 weeks + 4 days and was only 6lbs 0.4oz... how these three have managed to be as big or bigger than him is beyond me! Ok, well maybe it had something to do with all the food I packed away during this pregnancy ;)
Mila said to me the other day "don't you just wonder how long they would've stayed in there if you let them come on their own??"... and my first reaction was "NO!"... I'm not that curious. Today at my ultrasound my cervix actually LENGTHENED to 3cm (last time it was thinned out to 2)... so I'm thinking if left to their own devices, these babies would be the first triplets in history to be overdue (and maybe 8 pounds each)!
Here's a shot of the 3 carseats that we finished getting ready yesterday:
I sure am looking forward to having enough mobility to play with my little boy again. The poor kid begs anyone who stops by the house to play hockey with him... once in a while he'll assign me the position of "referee" since he knows I can't do much more than that. Here's my handsome little man all geared up to play goalie (just ignore the toothpaste - he's been a toothbrushing fanatic lately):
I'm going to try and do one last post of my baby belly tomorrow... and then after that, this blog should have lots of itty bitty baby photos to share with you!
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