Well we're at the 35 week mark now! We had an ultrasound this morning and found all the babies had had quite a growth spurt this past week. Baby A is estimated at 5lb 13oz, Baby B is 5lb 11oz, and Baby C is 4lb 11oz! We have been soooo incredibly lucky to have gotten this far with absolutely no problems. It makes me feel a tad bit guilty when I complain about how uncomfortable I am... however, I just can't help it - I am just so ready to be done with this pregnancy! At the ultrasound my cervix was measuring around 2cm so it hasn't shortened at all since the last ultrasound... making me think we're in for the long haul! 17 more days until our planned c-section. Here's a picture of me - and I'm not all that excited to share it because of all the swelling I'm having. I figure it's important to document all of this though and I'm trusting that my friends and family who read this blog, will not laugh (atleast not too much!)
People keep telling me that I'm doing great growing these babies... and really, I can't take all the credit! Most of my time lately has been spent sitting in my recliner (which I have also been sleeping in). Pretty much the only time I leave the house now is to go to an ultrasound or a doctor's appointment. Credit needs to be given to all my friends and family who have been helping me and taking care of Griffin so that I'm able to just take it easy and rest as much as possible. This past weekend my sister Mila came up to the Hat and spent the weekend with me... cooking and doing laundry and playing lots of hockey with Griffin! She always takes such good care of me and is one of the few people who will still rub my feet despite how awful they look. She even taught Griffin how to make homemade buns (she would not let me include her in the picture since we were all still in our jammies and she had some kind of migraine oil all up in her bangs lol!):
My mom and sister Natalie visit me almost every day and always bring food and/or starbucks! They have definately played a big role in feeding and growing these babies! Not to mention all the time they've spent keeping Griffin entertained and taken care of. Troy's mom and sister brought me some lunch yesterday and I didn't even have to leave the recliner to eat it ;) And my girlfriends... who check on me daily to make sure I'm not alone or in need of anything. Tara and Jade even got me to the hospital last week when we thought labour had begun and Troy was still at work! And then there's my hubby Troy... who sees me at my absolute worst and always tells me I'm beautiful and lets me boss him around without ever complaining. I just can't thank all of you enough for your love and support... and I really, really want people to know that I did not do all of this on my own!!
I'm going to sign off with just one more pic of Griffin... Auntie Natalie gave him a bath the other night for me:
Fingers crossed that the babies will make their appearance soon!
another great post!!! You are totally aloud to complain...you are growing three babies all at the same time! Thank god for moms, sisters, husbands, friends and in-laws, they are going to get you to that record setting triplet pregnancy! (Although when I was pregnant I read a thing about a lady that had triplets that we all over 8 lbs each...sick!!)