Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Today we celebrated St. Patrick's day with lots of green!  Griffin had green eggs for breakfast, green jello, green apples, and green pears for snack, and we had green (spinach) fettucini for supper.  We also made sure we all dressed in green.  Here are some pics from today!

Griffin and his green eggs:

Me and the kids in green! (L-R: Griffin, Sunny, Gibsyn, Fletcher)

And now a few of my favorite shots of each of the kids:

Miss Gibsyn giving me a bit of a scowl... how dare I take her picture when I could be cuddling with her!

Peaceful little Sunny... and she can get very un-peaceful at times! Poor thing gets pretty bad tummy aches

Fletcher and big brother Griffin looking at a sticker book.  Fletcher went to the doctor yesterday for an 8 week checkup (since he missed his 6 week checkup when he was in the hospital)... turns out he weighs 8 lbs 12 oz now!!  It's crazy cause he was less than 7lbs when we first got admitted to the children's hospital.

Griffin hanging out in the snow fort that papa made for him!  Cool dude!

I tried to catch a quick video of Fletcher and his sad little cry... he has the funniest little puppy dog cry when he's feeling sorry for himself.  This video was taken after my mom gave him a bath.. I was holding Sunny while I took it so you have to tune out her cries/grunts to hear Fletcher!

1 comment:

  1. super cute pics!!! I love the one with you and your four kiddos!
