Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shower, Shots, and Skating!

It's been a pretty eventful past week around here! Last saturday Tara and Natalie threw me a beautiful baby shower... they were very crafty and I wish I had snapped more photos of it cause nat's house looked sooo pretty! Thanks to everyone who came out!

My camera skills are not so great... sorry about the lighting... I tried to get a shot of each of the baby's names that the girls did.  So cute!

And the spread... mmmmm!

 My mom made these baby cake pops... yummy cake inside each one.  Aren't they cute??  Just a little something she whipped up late one night... you know, after she spent the entire day at my house helping with babies first!!  See why she's super mom/gramma??!

Also this week, the babies had their 2 month shots.  They each got 3 so I had to sit through a total of 9 needles and it was not fun at all!!  They all survived though and although we had some sleepy babies, some with fevers, and some a tad bit fussy, all is good now.  Glad we got it all over with at once!  Now that they are two months old (boy does time fly!), I thought I should share a new photo of each one:

GIBSYN ~ 9lbs 1oz
She's our star sleeper right now and often sleeps anywhere from 6 to 10 hours in a row at night time

FLETCHER ~ 9lbs 6oz
Poor little man has a stuffy nose again and it makes me terribly nervous.  So far he seems okay though aside from requiring some extra TLC :)

SUNNY ~ 8lbs 7oz
I've been nursing Sunny more and giving her some special formula (which happens to smell exactly like Elroy's old perscription dog food - barf!!) and this seems to be helping her tummy troubles.  She's been much more "sunny" lately!

Today we all trekked out to the mall and registered Griff for Soccer.  It was our first time using the stroller and I think things went quite smoothly... although Troy pointed out that it would have been much easier to go without the babies.  Thank you captain obvious... but I needed out of the house!  :)

After that we all went to the rink for public skating. Griff got new skates and needed to give them a try.  Here's a video I took of his skills!

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