Tuesday, January 3, 2012


You know the feeling, right?  When those magical couple days of Christmas which you spent weeks anticipating and preparing for are suddenly over??  I've been feeling kinda blue lately... we've been stuck inside a lot because of all the crazy wind around here, the babies have decided to change their sleeping patterns into all different kinds of unpredictable nonsense, and well, I'm not allowed to play the Yuletide Fireplace channel on my TV anymore :(

I've decided it's time to stop moping, and look forward to a brand new year.  So I started by going through all the pictures I took over the holidays and it's hard not to feel a bit better after seeing all these cute lil' faces!  I took A LOT of them - Troy got me a new camera for my birthday so I've been experimenting... there aren't a lot of GOOD ones, but I thought I'd share a few.  

Sunny being goofy - she was trying to put all my underwear on her head (don't worry, this is a bag full of CLEAN laundry! And I have no idea where she got this idea from!)

Haha - this one just cracks me up of her:

Sunny and Fletcher eating some crackers at the table:

Fletcher eating.... and eating... and eating!

Gibby in the hat her Auntie Tara made her... she was very proud to be wearing it!

Griffin in his new goalie attire... just like daddy!
Griffin and Gibs having a tea party with her new tea set... he might not appreciate this photo one day, but I just think he's the best big brother around!

ALL of our stockings!  The next house we buy must have a fireplace... wouldn't they look great on a fireplace??! My mom made all of these!

I can hardly wait for next year :) 

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