Monday, January 31, 2011

40 Little Toes

40 toes.... wow!

Last night we packed up ALL the kids into the mini-van for the first time and headed out to mom and dad's for a nice steak dinner to celebrate my dad's birthday.  We were only 45 mins late... hahaha... I'm sure we'll learn how to be on time eventually!  The babies all wore the little outfits that Auntie Tara and Uncle Zeke bought them... sooooo cute! You can also see the "wubba nubs" I had bought them back in November - they're little pacifiers attached to a little stuffed animal. They all LOVE these things and I'd highly recommend them!  They seem to be much easier for them to keep in their mouths than regular soothers.  Fletcher has a monkey, Sunny a giraffe, and Gibsyn an elephant:

I tried to get some shots of their cute outfits, but of course Fletcher was being emotional and Troy made me stop pestering him ;)

And then Gibsyn got fed up too... little miss Sunny sat in that spot and waited through Fletcher and Gibsyn's diaper changes without making a peep :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pictures, pictures, pictures!

I'm thinking what people really want to see are some more pictures!  So here you go!

The day we left the hospital, the nurses bathed all the babies and "glued" bows to the girls' heads:

In their "going home" outfits...

Cute lil' bums! 

Sunny and Fletcher are a little bit jaundice so we had them do a little sunbathing...

Once the sun was gone, the three of them enjoyed some cuddles:

Sisters.... warms my heart!

Mr. Fletcher Troy Aadland

Fletcher is our little Mr. Sensitivity.  He's the first one needing cuddles in the night and he's got a million sad little faces that'll just break your heart until you pick him up and snuggle him tight.  He has the strangest little puppy dog cry I've ever heard, but it's so darn cute I don't mind at all!

Miss Gibsyn Joy Aadland
You can tell Gibby is the "oldest" in so many ways.  She's the chubbiest first of all, but she just has this air about her that makes you feel like she's wise and will watch over the other two.  She loves snuggling her smooth round head just under your chin (maybe it's somewhat similar to my pelvis, where her head spent several weeks!).  I'm sure she'll be the first to smile cause she keeps looking deeply into my face and every once in a while her lips kinda curl like they're trying to smile.  She looks very much like her big brother Griffin did when he was a baby!

Miss Sunny Lou Aadland

Sunny suits her name in every way.  She's our most patient baby and often just stares at us with those pretty big eyes while her brother and sister fuss.  She has a cute little head of blonde fuzzy hair and she's just so tiny and sweet!  Even though she's the smallest, she's the best nurser and I'm sure she'll catch up to her brother and sister soon!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Three Little Angels

Born Wednesday, January 19th at 8:18am - Miss Gibsyn Joy - weighing 5lbs 6 oz.  And born at 8:19am - Miss Sunny Lou - weighing 4lbs 9oz... and finally, also at 8:19 - Mr Fletcher Troy - weighing 5lbs 6oz! What an amazing experience.  I think it all finally started sinking in when I was wheeled into the operating room and saw three baby cots all labelled A, B, and C.  Then before we knew it, they were all here... and all so incredibly beautiful and healthy!  It's been so neat to see how different each of them look and to start learning their little personalities!
It looks like we're all being discharged from the hospital tomorrow!  I'm sooooo amazed that we get to take all three of our babies home with us!  We had fully expected for them to spend some time in the NICU and so hadn't even installed the carseats yet since we assumed we wouldn't need them for a few weeks.  Although Fletcher did spend the first two nights in the NICU with a bit of fluid in his lungs, he quickly recovered and was moved into our room with the rest of us.  This has been quite the experience so far.... and I have no idea how it's all going to work when we get home, but hey, we have been so blessed that I feel like everything will just work out.  I'm pretty tired and need to get some rest before the next feeding, but I'll leave you with a little picture of our 4 (yes FOUR) children!  WOW, I don't think I'll ever get used to saying that!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tomorrow's the BIG DAY!!

It's getting kinda late considering we have to be at the hospital tomorrow by 6am, so I'll make this post short! Today was a pretty busy day for me (considering I've done a whole lot of nothing this past month!).  My mom took me first thing this morning to get my pre-admission blood work done and then we headed over to the skating rink to take Griffin for a skate.  It's been quite a while since I've seen him skate since the benches at the rink are pretty uncomfortable, but I figured I could endure it for this one last day of pregnancy!  Troy's mom and sister also met us there to watch the little guy cruise around... he was pretty impressive, I must say!  After that we ran a few errands, headed home for lunch and then spent the afternoon visiting with friends.  Our good friends Kevin, Sara, Barry, Shirley, Tara, Jade, and Katie all stopped by and I was so happy to have visitors to take my mind off all the craziness that's about to happen tomorrow!  Here's a picture of everyone... and wow was I ever shocked at how big my tummy looks in pictures... I guess I kind of got used to looking at it from the top down!

And one last belly shot...

p.s.  Thank you TARA (and baby Avary) for staying at my house until Troy got home from work tonight so that I wouldn't be alone.  I love you!

Monday, January 17, 2011

2 more sleeps...

Well, I guess this is really going to happen soon!!  Yesterday mom and Natalie spent most of the day helping me pull out Griffin's old baby things and putting together new/borrowed things... I felt surprisingly calm throughout the day (I imagine it helped that I was mostly just sitting and watching them) and they seemed surprisingly frantic.  I kept saying, "oh don't worry about that, we can do it another day" and then they'd remind me that there really aren't that many other days left to prepare!  I guess that just goes to show how close of a family we are - they were "sympathy nesting" for me since my body just isn't capable right now!  I think people carrying triplets are given a special kind of hormones that mellow you out cause my normally "type A" personality has been quite diminished lately!
Today my mom took me to my very last ultrasound!  And according to the ultrasound tech, it's a good thing it was our last one because the babies are getting very crowded in my belly and it's getting pretty tough to see what's what anymore.  Baby A is the most crammed and has her head way down in my pelvis... she was tough to get accurate measurements on, but she's estimated to be around 5lbs 15oz now.  Baby B (our big boy) is estimated to be 6lbs 3oz and baby C is estimated at 5lbs 7oz.  They say these weights can be out either way by 1/2 a pound or so... it'll be interesting to see what their actual weights are!  I just can't get over how big they are.  Griffin was born at 38 weeks + 4 days and was only 6lbs 0.4oz... how these three have managed to be as big or bigger than him is beyond me!  Ok, well maybe it had something to do with all the food I packed away during this pregnancy  ;)
Mila said to me the other day "don't you just wonder how long they would've stayed in there if you let them come on their own??"... and my first reaction was "NO!"... I'm not that curious.  Today at my ultrasound my cervix actually LENGTHENED to 3cm (last time it was thinned out to 2)... so I'm thinking if left to their own devices, these babies would be the first triplets in history to be overdue (and maybe 8 pounds each)! 

Here's a shot of the 3 carseats that we finished getting ready yesterday:

I sure am looking forward to having enough mobility to play with my little boy again.  The poor kid begs anyone who stops by the house to play hockey with him... once in a while he'll assign me the position of "referee" since he knows I can't do much more than that.  Here's my handsome little man all geared up to play goalie (just ignore the toothpaste - he's been a toothbrushing fanatic lately):

I'm going to try and do one last post of my baby belly tomorrow... and then after that, this blog should have lots of itty bitty baby photos to share with you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

7 More Sleeps!!!

So we went for a doctor's appointment this morning and I think after our obstetrician reviewed our ultrasound from yesterday (which showed 3 giant healthy babies!) he felt comfortable moving up our c-section date.  So, Wednesday, January 19th will be the big day!!  7:45 am (although our obstetrician has never shown up for an appointment before 9:30, so we'll see!)  I'm sooo excited to be on the home stretch - I feel like I can definately do this for one more week!  The doctor also ordered an ultrasound scan of my legs - my left leg is so swollen he was concerned about possible clotting... everything looked good though and it's just swelling due to all the weight my uterus is putting on my pelvic vessels.  Another reason why it will feel so darn good to get these babies out!  I'll be 36 weeks and 2 days when they're born.
I got Troy to bring our big stroller in from the garage so that I could see what it looks like with some of the accessories we bought for it... I thought it might also make things feel a little more "real"!  Here's a photo of our stroller... its a twin valco with a third seat attached and also a hitchhiker board on the back for Griffin to stand on.  In theory, I should be able to fit all 4 of our kids on it... hopefully I'm still able to push it ;)  My triplet mom friend Stacey assures me this is THE best stroller for triplets, so we will see!
It probably won't really be used until the babies are bigger and the weather is warmer, but it's still fun to look at!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Growing and growing...

Well we're at the 35 week mark now!  We had an ultrasound this morning and found all the babies had had quite a growth spurt this past week.  Baby A is estimated at 5lb 13oz, Baby B is 5lb 11oz, and Baby C is 4lb 11oz!  We have been soooo incredibly lucky to have gotten this far with absolutely no problems.  It makes me feel a tad bit guilty when I complain about how uncomfortable I am... however, I just can't help it - I am just so ready to be done with this pregnancy!  At the ultrasound my cervix was measuring around 2cm so it hasn't shortened at all since the last ultrasound... making me think we're in for the long haul!  17 more days until our planned c-section.  Here's a picture of me - and I'm not all that excited to share it because of all the swelling I'm having.  I figure it's important to document all of this though and I'm trusting that my friends and family who read this blog, will not laugh (atleast not too much!)

People keep telling me that I'm doing great growing these babies... and really, I can't take all the credit!  Most of my time lately has been spent sitting in my recliner (which I have also been sleeping in).  Pretty much the only time I leave the house now is to go to an ultrasound or a doctor's appointment.  Credit needs to be given to all my friends and family who have been helping me and taking care of Griffin so that I'm able to just take it easy and rest as much as possible.  This past weekend my sister Mila came up to the Hat and spent the weekend with me... cooking and doing laundry and playing lots of hockey with Griffin!  She always takes such good care of me and is one of the few people who will still rub my feet despite how awful they look.  She even taught Griffin how to make homemade buns (she would not let me include her in the picture since we were all still in our jammies and she had some kind of migraine oil all up in her bangs lol!):
My mom and sister Natalie visit me almost every day and always bring food and/or starbucks!  They have definately played a big role in feeding and growing these babies!  Not to mention all the time they've spent keeping Griffin entertained and taken care of.  Troy's mom and sister brought me some lunch yesterday and I didn't even have to leave the recliner to eat it ;)  And my girlfriends... who check on me daily to make sure I'm not alone or in need of anything.  Tara and Jade even got me to the hospital last week when we thought labour had begun and Troy was still at work! And then there's my hubby Troy... who sees me at my absolute worst and always tells me I'm beautiful and lets me boss him around without ever complaining.  I just can't thank all of you enough for your love and support... and I really, really want people to know that I did not do all of this on my own!! 

I'm going to sign off with just one more pic of Griffin... Auntie Natalie gave him a bath the other night for me:

Fingers crossed that the babies will make their appearance soon!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to Our Blog!

It was suggested to me by a friend (thanks Stacey!) to start up a blog to keep everyone informed on our busy lives with our 4 kids (soon to be 3 year old Griffin and our soon to be born triplets - two girls and a boy).  So here's my first post.... I have no idea how to do this, but I'll do my best!  Since we recently had a bit of a "scare" and thought we were possibly going to have a c-section to bring the triplets into the world a couple days ago, I thought I should really document a bit of my pregnancy before it's over!  So I put together a few pics of my belly's growth over the past 8 months.... check it out!

I am VERY ready for this pregnancy to be over... I've gained 65 pounds so far, my pelvis is in serious pain and I have a LOT of swelling in my legs and feet.  Just to show you that I'm not exaggerating the swollen feet/ankles problem, here is a nice shot of my balloon feet:

According to our ultrasounds (as of Jan 3rd at 34 weeks), the babies are weighing 5lbs 1 oz, 4lbs 11 oz, and 3lbs 12oz.  They are so big and we couldn't be any more thankful for how healthy both they and I have been through this pregnancy!  In fact, when I looked back at some of Griffin's stats, I had an ultrasound done with him at 35 weeks and he was estimated to be 4lbs 8oz... meaning two of his siblings are already bigger than he was... amazing! 

Another thing I wanted to capture from this pregnancy was all the amazing movements that I feel with three babies in me!  It's VERY hard to catch them moving (actually, what's hard is for me to get off the couch and grab the camera in time to catch them).  I did manage to get this little clip so that you can see a few of their movements.  This shot is of Baby B rolling around (the little boy):