Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mmmmm.... snack time

I just checked my camera and I don't have any new pics of the kids and since they are currently napping, I'm going to take this opportunity to share my new favourite snack!

In the summer, I went to my friends' kids' birthday party and they served "apple nachos".  I couldn't remember what all they had put on them, so I came up with this little concoction that I am now completely addicted to!  Try it... its full of nutrition but is such a treat! And it's quick n' easy.

Put a scoop of peanut butter and a few dark chocolate chips in a small bowl....


... heat the peanut butter and chocolate chips in the microwave for 25-30 seconds.  Stir until the chocolate chips are all melted.  Drizzle over sliced apples.  Top with granola, nuts, seeds, coconut, etc.  I top mine with this homemade granola recipe (it's so yummy!), but you could use whatever you like:


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