Sunday, April 17, 2011

Before and After

So I started going to physiotherapy to help correct the abdominal separation I have from my belly being soooo overstretched.  It seems to be helping and my separation (which started at being 16cm long) is now down to 10cm.  In May I'll be meeting a surgeon who will decide if I need to have it surgically repaired.  This got me thinking about all the changes my body has gone through since carrying the triplets.  I'm already forgetting how uncomfortable I was at the end, but then I look at pictures taken at that time, or think about what I weighed and measured, and it comes flooding back!  It is pretty incredible what the human body is capable of handling. 

Check out this before and after shot of my poor feet.  They were sooo red and sore!  For the first two weeks after having the babies, I was up to pee every 1-2 hours because my body had so much fluid to get rid of.  I lost 50lbs in those first two weeks and felt like maybe I could fly ;)

On an unrelated note, I love this picture of my dad with Gibsyn and Fletcher and had to share it:

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I remember when my feet were huge too...when I took my flip flops off there was an imprint left!!!
