Wednesday, January 12, 2011

7 More Sleeps!!!

So we went for a doctor's appointment this morning and I think after our obstetrician reviewed our ultrasound from yesterday (which showed 3 giant healthy babies!) he felt comfortable moving up our c-section date.  So, Wednesday, January 19th will be the big day!!  7:45 am (although our obstetrician has never shown up for an appointment before 9:30, so we'll see!)  I'm sooo excited to be on the home stretch - I feel like I can definately do this for one more week!  The doctor also ordered an ultrasound scan of my legs - my left leg is so swollen he was concerned about possible clotting... everything looked good though and it's just swelling due to all the weight my uterus is putting on my pelvic vessels.  Another reason why it will feel so darn good to get these babies out!  I'll be 36 weeks and 2 days when they're born.
I got Troy to bring our big stroller in from the garage so that I could see what it looks like with some of the accessories we bought for it... I thought it might also make things feel a little more "real"!  Here's a photo of our stroller... its a twin valco with a third seat attached and also a hitchhiker board on the back for Griffin to stand on.  In theory, I should be able to fit all 4 of our kids on it... hopefully I'm still able to push it ;)  My triplet mom friend Stacey assures me this is THE best stroller for triplets, so we will see!
It probably won't really be used until the babies are bigger and the weather is warmer, but it's still fun to look at!

1 comment:

  1. it IS the best stroller...triplet or otherwise!!! And 36 weeks and 2 days pretty much still makes us twins!
