Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to Our Blog!

It was suggested to me by a friend (thanks Stacey!) to start up a blog to keep everyone informed on our busy lives with our 4 kids (soon to be 3 year old Griffin and our soon to be born triplets - two girls and a boy).  So here's my first post.... I have no idea how to do this, but I'll do my best!  Since we recently had a bit of a "scare" and thought we were possibly going to have a c-section to bring the triplets into the world a couple days ago, I thought I should really document a bit of my pregnancy before it's over!  So I put together a few pics of my belly's growth over the past 8 months.... check it out!

I am VERY ready for this pregnancy to be over... I've gained 65 pounds so far, my pelvis is in serious pain and I have a LOT of swelling in my legs and feet.  Just to show you that I'm not exaggerating the swollen feet/ankles problem, here is a nice shot of my balloon feet:

According to our ultrasounds (as of Jan 3rd at 34 weeks), the babies are weighing 5lbs 1 oz, 4lbs 11 oz, and 3lbs 12oz.  They are so big and we couldn't be any more thankful for how healthy both they and I have been through this pregnancy!  In fact, when I looked back at some of Griffin's stats, I had an ultrasound done with him at 35 weeks and he was estimated to be 4lbs 8oz... meaning two of his siblings are already bigger than he was... amazing! 

Another thing I wanted to capture from this pregnancy was all the amazing movements that I feel with three babies in me!  It's VERY hard to catch them moving (actually, what's hard is for me to get off the couch and grab the camera in time to catch them).  I did manage to get this little clip so that you can see a few of their movements.  This shot is of Baby B rolling around (the little boy):


  1. Awesome first post! I LOVE all the belly pictures, my feet were like that at the end felt like my feet were growing right around my flip flops! And that is CRAZY seeing the babies boys never did that!

  2. This is awesome Christa!! I am going to share this with my family! They will love to read about this experience. Can't wait to meet the little gaffers and so happy to hear that they sound sooo healthy already!!
